Orange County Wiffleball Code of Conduct

The Orange County Wiffleball code of conduct outlines the rules, principles, and guidelines of how players, members, nonmember and spectators should act when attending an Orange County Wiffleball event or interacting with an Orange County Wiffleball account, domain, or member, outside of an event. This code of conduct is for all members, spectators, participants, customers, (current & past). The code of conduct applies to each member of Orange County Wiffleball regardless of start date, contractual agreement or membership status. Failure to comply with the policies set forth may result in disciplinary action, which can include termination of membership, suspension from Orange County Wiffleball single game events, suspension from Orange County Wiffleball season events, and/or indefinite suspension from all Orange County Wiffleball events, games, and organizational gathers. 


Orange County Wiffleball reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. This extends to all members and nonmembers who may be in attendance or partake in an Orange County Wiffleball event. The right of refusal can be for any reason that Orange County Wiffleball deems as a violation of the code of conduct. The following are examples of actions that outline reasons why Orange County Wiffleball may exercise the right to refuse service: rude behavior, inappropriate comments/actions directed at wiffleball members, staff, or affiliates of the organization; those who pose as a physical or verbal threat to the organizations members and attendees; inappropriate language directed at the leagues organizers; inappropriate actions, comments, and messages sent to the Orange County Wiffleball social media accounts, email domain, and other channels; extreme negative comments about Orange County Wiffleball League to other players, acts of violence towards members, players, and staff; damaging of equipment, property, and/or assets of Orange County Wiffleball; criminal or civil penalties or actions. Examples listed are not the sole reasons for the right to refuse services; Orange County Wiffleball reserves the right to deem a violation of the code of conduct and right to refuse service for other acts and behaviors not listed. Orange County Wiffleball is a non discriminatory organization. We will never refuse the right to service due to the following reasons: race, color, age, ethnicity, Religious affiliation, Nation of Origin, Sex, Disability, Gender Orientation (Gender Identity). 


You agree to the City of Irvine’s Alcohol and Drug use policy. The City of Irvine Alcohol & Drug policy states that Alcohol is prohibited within City parks without an approved permit from the Community Services Department (IMC 4-14-113 through 4-14-114). Smoking is limited to designated smoking areas only (IMC 4-10-512) You agree to the terms of the Alcohol & Drug use policy and understand that Orange County Wiffleball is not liable for actions the city takes in regard to violation of this policy. This includes fines and legal actions that are taken at the City of Irvine’s discretion. Violation of the alcohol & drug use policy may result in fines that Orange County Wiffleball may or may not have you, as an individual pay. Violation and/or abuse of the policy may end in termination of one’s Orange County Wiffleball membership. Participant will not be refunded any amount of registration fees or expenses if there is termination of membership due to violation of the Alcohol and Drug use policy.


Failure to comply with the Orange County Wiffleball code of conduct will result in disciplinary action. Violation of the code of conduct can result in the following: a warning issued by the league commissioner or executive staff; immediate suspension and revoked membership status. Suspension can last a single day, single game, a period of months, and/or indefinitely. Revocation of membership status will not result in a refund or compensation of any kind.


Orange County Wiffleball prohibits the use of advertisement and solicitation of outside organizations and sports leagues. We prohibit the express act of solicitation that would benefit a competitor or businesses that aligns with Orange County Wiffleball’s interests. You agree that you will refrain from advertisement and/or solicitation of all outside organizations. This includes but is not limited to: word of mouth marketing, direct marketing (acted out as flyers, cards, banners etc.) direct recruitment during Orange County Wiffleball events. Specific businesses that are prohibited from this activity include: kickball leagues, other Wiffleball leagues, other adult softball/baseball leagues, pickleball leagues; this list includes the main business types that are exclude from solicitation activity while under agreement with Orange County Wiffleball; however this list is not exclusive or limited when applicable for this clause to be upheld. Failure to comply with the terms of the non-compete outlined above will result in immediate suspension and termination of one’s membership from Orange County Wiffleball. The participant will not be refunded any amount if suspension occurs due to violation of this policy. A participant may endure a season long, yearlong or indefinite suspension for violation the terms of this non-compete clause.


The following is intended to outline the code of conduct regarding end of season awards. OC Wiffleball regular season awards are given out to those players who have exceptional seasons. Awards are determined on (3) three main factors: season stats/performance, players character, and player sportsmanship. The commissioner is the sole decision maker of all end of season awards. No other parties, board members, or outside counsel influences the decisions made regarding awards.

Regardless of exceptional statistics, performance, or exceptional Wiffleball play, a player will lose the right to win an award if there is a display of poor sportsmanship, character, and/or an act that violates the Orange County Wiffleball code of conduct. In addition, if a player expresses negative views, comments, or remarks towards the commissioner on the decisions that are made, the outspoken individual will lose the right to win an award in the upcoming season.